
Mewar school of paintings from Rajasthan

-By Ishva
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The famous Mewar paintings possess unique features which have greatly influenced the different styles of Rajasthani painting.

The real beginning of a polished style of Mewar painting started in 1571 C.E, one immediate reason was a large number of artists migrating from Mandu to Mewar after Baj Bahadur, the ruler of Mandu was defeated by the Mughals in 1570. Thus, the new Mewar style originated as an offshoot to Central Indian painting!

Careful drawing of nature is visible in the Mewar School, and whilst colours maintain their own simplicity, most paintings have been drawn upon red, yellow and green surfaces. An artistic display of folk colours is a unique tradition of Mewar paintings. Some popular sub-styles are Nathdvara, Devgarh, Chandwan, Udaipur and Sawar.

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